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East Riding of Yorkshire Council – to contact ERYC directly please use the A-Z of Council Services

East Riding of Yorkshire’s definitive map of Public Rights of Way  – use the map to plan a route on the Walking and Riding page.  You will also find 100’s of suggested routes already listed and information about other ways to access the countryside. 



Environment Agency  – to keep up-to-date with potential flood risk within the Parish

Tickton Church  – to find out all about the Church in Tickton which is a local ecumenical partnership.  Clergy or Lay Readers/Preachers from either Beverley Minster Parish or Beverley Methodist Circuit share the leading of worship

Tickton Diary – to view copies of the local Newsletter

Tickton Village Hall  – to find out all about Tickton Village Hall including Tickton Little Theatre


Tickton & Routh Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external website and document links.