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Current Consultations


Planning Applications submitted to the Parish Council for consideration:

Please click on the link below to view the relevant application (if the link returns an error on the first attempt, please click on it again and it will open on the application).


The Parish Council will consider any comments the Parish Council receives in writing/email by 12 noon on [ ] in its response to application(s) [ /  ].

Interested parties should, as a matter of course, send any comments directly to the Planning Officer at East Riding of Yorkshire Council. 

Please click on this link for further details on the Planning Process.


Planning Applications awaiting a decision by East Riding of Yorkshire Council:

22/03648/STPLF Carr Farm Carr Lane Tickton – Construction of 49.9MW Solar Farm comprising of ground mounted solar panels, underground cabling, a temporary construction compound, access tracks, perimeter fencing with CCTV cameras, access gates and associated ancillary grid infrastructure and works

T&RPC Comments: The PC strongly object and call into committee for consideration due to: –

Over development taking into consideration the prior approved applications (planning application 22/00824/STPLF and 22/01208/STPLF). The Government Guidance is that one development in an area cannot be considered in isolation. It must be the cumulative impact that is considered, “cumulative impacts require particular attention, especially the increasing impact that wind turbines and large-scale solar farms can have on landscape and local amenity” the developer seems to suggest that the cumulative impact has been considered at the initial screening stage by East Riding.  The PC strongly object to not having been party to that consultation.

Consultation has not been effective or thorough.

No additional consultation was undertaken with Carr House Farm despite being assured.

UK food security; depriving the area of versatile agricultural farmland. 29% of the site is classed as BMV i.e., category 3a, and category 3b, the Secretary of State has recently refused planning permission for a solar farm on 3a land, this should be no different.

The minimal provision of jobs does not bring any local benefit.

The development being too close to the village, public right of way, bridleway and Carr House Farm.  It would spoil the enjoyment of the open countryside. The PC notes that there is no consultation response from the Public Rights of Way Officer to date.

The change of use of land affecting the visual amenity and the quality of life and wellbeing of the communities and in particular Carr House Farm.

The significant adverse effect on the whole ecology and wildlife of the area including deer, foxes, birds of prey and ground nesting birds (which Albanwise have previously taken part in schemes to encourage and protect i.e., skylarks and lapwings) together with protected species including hare and badgers.  This is particularly relevant when seen with the pre-approved solar schemes at Wawne and Tickton – it would effectively create a wildlife exclusion zone around Tickton and Weel.

Effects of diesel spills from HGV on the wildlife and watercourses.

The UK is projected to have full wind power renewable energy by 2030. There is arguably no need for any additional solar arrays. Solar panels on buildings would be a more than adequate ‘top-up’ to renewable supply when wind power is less reliable. Solar is the least efficient of renewables.

Unacceptable noise levels.

Safety of gas infrastructure referred to by Northern Gas Network.

Glint and glare.

 If East Riding are minded to go against the local communities’ vehement objections and approve the application we strongly recommend the following conditions: –

that access to the Solar Farm should be along the west bank of the Holderness Drain – the applicant should be required to install a suitable roadway to carry all site traffic, rather than using the bridleway.

All remedial works and any proposed hedgerow/tree planting to be undertaken is to be planted immediately rather than waiting for the scheme to be completed to reduce noise levels.

To increase the height of proposed trees.

To significantly extend the buffer zone around Carr House Farm, to reduce the sense of enclosure.

The CCTV should only focus on the internal aspect of the solar farm to protect the privacy of users of the bridleway and Carr House Farm

If the aforementioned condition regarding a purpose-built access road to the east of the site is not stipulated, then the applicant should improve the farm track and roadway by building a purpose built and maintained road to take the site traffic to and from the solar farm to improve PROW and to retain the only access road to Carr House Farm.  No site traffic should pass by the curtilage of Carr House Farm.

The substation should not be near property; out of the entire site, why has the substation been proposed near to Carr House Farm? A condition to reposition the substation away from Carr House Farm is needed.

The Community Benefit Fund appears to be low in comparison to other similar sized proposals in the area and request in excess of £100k solely for the benefit of the parishes of Tickton and Routh.

The Solar Farm only covers land designated 3b i.e., land designated 3a should be retained for agriculture and excluded from the scheme.














