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Bug Hotel – Kirkbug Kingdom

As part of the Kirkwood Community Orchard project the parish council has built a bug hotel on the southwest boundary of the Village Field.

‘Kirkbug Kingdom’ aims to create a natural habitat for minibeasts as well as an educational resource for local children.

The parish council is appealing for any hollow stemmed plant material e.g. bamboo canes, foxglove, delphinium, lupin, sunflowers as well as pine cones, small logs and bark for creatures to make their home. Please contact the parish council on mobile 07563 155 095 or email for further details.

We have already sourced lots of bricks and tiles to fill and make a roof for the structure.

Herb Tyre Planters – residents are welcome to help themselves to the herbs in the planters. Please feel free to plant any other herbs cuttings in the empty tyre planters for everyone to enjoy. 

Kirkbug Kingdom

Welcome to Kirkbug Kingdom

Kirkbug Kingdom & Herb Tyre Planters

Kirkbug Kingdom & Herb Tyre Planters

Kirkbug Kingdom & Herb Tyre Planters

Kirkbug Kingdom & Herb Tyre Planters

Kirkbug Kingdom & Herb Tyre Planters

Kirkbug Kingdom & Herb Tyre Planters