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Dog Fouling

Dog Fouling Poster

Everyone who lives in our Parish will agree we are so lucky to live in such a nice place, however some residents are concerned about Dog Mess on pavements and regular dog walking routes in Tickton.

Many residents have complained about individuals treading in it, children on their way to school, adults walking down the street, dog mess on people’s flower beds and borders. Other concerns raised have included dogs being allowed out to simply roam, members of the public walking the dogs and making no attempt to clean up.  Many people care but feel helpless to resolve the situation.

What has been done?

Over recent years the Parish Council has increased the bins within the village to accommodate where people walk their dogs to stop people throwing the bags into the hedgerows.   The Parish Council has also installed four dispensers for waste bags for our residents to use in an emergency when they forget their own bags. Three units are situated in Tickton, around both bus shelters and Carr Lane.  The fourth dispenser is situated in Weel.   The Parish Council will also arrange to replace the ‘dog fouling’ stencils onto the resurfaced footpaths as a reminded to dog walkers. We do listen and respond and thank everyone who picks up their dog’s mess and bins it appropriately.

The Parish Council has previously met with the Dog Warden and discussed the concerns raised by residents. Generally, residents are reluctant to report others because they don’t want to be given a reputation or fear reprisal. We can understand this.  So how do we tackle this issue that is so close to many of our hearts?

What can we do?

The Parish Council have agreed to take reports from residents and pass these onto the Dog Warden anonymously if there is certain information included such as a description of the dog and/or owner, possible names and addresses, or a pattern of behaviour such as ‘Everyday at 3pm’ or every Saturday afternoon between 2.00pm and 4.00pm.  The Dog Warden can then act.  The Dog Warden won’t necessarily begin with court proceedings or criminalising individuals, but may write to them, pointing out their behaviour or may pay the accused a visit. They will also then know when to visit the village and where about they need to be if they are to catch people ‘red-handed’.  The person concerned, may not know they have been caught by a tip-off so reprisals shouldn’t be an issue. The Parish Council can then also monitor the situation and identify ‘hot spots’ too.

It would be lovely if we can work together as a community to eradicate this anti-social behaviour. The law is clear and people flouting this should be taken to task. Let’s reclaim our village and put and end to dirty, unsightly pavements, gardens and green areas.

How to report concerns

Further information and links to report concerns or request street cleansing can be found on East Riding of Yorkshire Council website –

The contact details for Tickton & Routh Parish Council are available on the website –