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Vacancy – Routh Representative – Routh Wind Farm Community Fund Panel

The Role 

A vacancy has arisen for a Representative from the Parish of ROUTH to stand on the Routh Wind Farm Decision Making Panel.  No specific skills or qualifications are required – just a desire to ensure the annual funding is spent to the greatest advantage.  The Representative would serve for a three-year term of office ending May 2027.

Applicants must reside in Routh and be able to attend two Panel meetings per year held in May and October. There is an Annual Review Meeting to which members of the public are also invited. Meetings are currently held in the evening. 

How to apply

The application form is available to download here RWFR application form 2024

Or, to request an application form contact Tickton & Routh Parish Council by Email:  / Mobile: 07563 155 095.

Please contact us if you have any questions. 


The Community Benefit Fund

The fund is index linked and currently provides circa £50,000 each year for the benefit of local community as a result of the planning approval for the Routh Wind Farm. 

The objectives of the fund are to promote charitable, educational, community, environmental, energy efficiency, and general community schemes or projects for the benefit of the public living in the East Riding of Yorkshire with a preference for appropriate schemes or projects within the proximity of the Wind Farm.

Further information 

Further information is available on ERYC website – 

The Constitution and Fund Reports can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of ERYCs webpage.